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Etude House Drawing Eyebrow Pencil in #01

During my trip to Hong Kong back in October, I went to the Etude House in Mongkok. I pretty much squealed when i saw the big pink Etude House sign. It was quite hard to contain myself in buying every single thing in the shop, but i only walked out with a couple of items. 
While i was browsing through the store I saw the Etude House Drawing Eye Brow pencil. There was a couple of other shades but I thought the brown one would suit me since my hair is dyed brown.
It cost me $28hk which was $4AUD at the time, I know the currency has gone lower though. But come on, $4 AUD?! of course i had to get it.

Cant read Chinese sadly!
 I find that the Etude House products dont really have names for the colours they're more of numbers.
It wouldve been awesome if one day they started using cute princess-y names! 

They have a spooly brush in one end and the product in the other but i love the fact they wrote "brush -> " to show which end the spooly brush was at, just incase you get confused at which side the brush is at. But I wouldve loved it if they wrote it on the cap instead of the body part. Since I found that if you somehow took off both caps at the same time you wouldnt know which cap belongs where (happened to me for a few days) but the secret was that the cap of the product end is extremely loose on the spooly end, but the other cap fits on both sides well.

I only got this eyebrow pencil since the product came out in a triangular stick form which is quite different compared with the average pencil form. It actually helps extend the ends of the eyebrows if your eyebrows aren't as long and creates a more precise line.

Only comes with that much product
I only use this pencil to line the bottom of my eyebrows from the very inner parts to the ends since i find that it defines my brows a lot more.
The product is very soft and easy to blend out, but i find that it's hard to fill in the entire brow without it looking uneven (some parts dark and some parts light) hence why I only use it to line my brows.

Top-bottom: No product || filling entire brow || lining brows & using eyebrow powder on top
The only problem I suffer from in looking for the perfect eyebrow pencil is that the previous ones I've used, will not stand the oily-ness of my face. But I can say that this product is amazing in with-standing the heat, sweat & rain. It is amazing.
As some of you Aussies know, us Melbournians had to suffer a week of a heatwave (hopefully ending today). And I cannot stand heat, my face will have sweat drops within 10 minutes being out in the heat, it's horrible. But im glad to say that the Etude House Drawing Eyebrow Pencil actually did not budge at all. I can honestly say my forehead was like a waterfall yet my eyebrows did not change from when I applied it on until removing my makeup off.
Will definitely repurchase this whenever I go back to HK again! Simply love this product.

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