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Mermaid EotD

It's been cold and snowy and absurdly wintery weather-wise here in Detroit.  I decided I needed to wear some some mermaid-y colors on my eyes yesterday to make the day feel less miserably cold.  The Ariel palette from Sephora worked its magic.

Blue Lagoon -- inner half of lid

Caspian Sea -- outer half of lid and lower lashline

Jetsam -- outer v

Les Poissons -- crease

from left: Blue Lagoon, Caspian Sea, Jetsam, Les Poissons
daylight bulb

Sonia Kashuk Gel Liner in Ebony -- upper and lower lashline

Fresh Supernova Mascara

I keep my Ariel palette in its gorgeous box.

The temperature got down to -14°F in Detroit.  Windchill temperature was around -40°F.  My husband went outside to take some pics of the snow with his phone, and it actually quit working because it was so cold (low temps can effect batteries).

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