Andy Cruz
The Islamic State attacked a busy shopping district in Baghdad killing over two hundred people and serves as a reminder that the Islamic state is still around. Bombings in the name of Islam are a daily occurrence from Islamo-Facists and people like Sam Sedar believe the greater evil is United States military involvement in the Middle East instead of terrorist activity that is caused by their own backwardness and feelings of religious superiority. Sam Sedar consistently puts the lame for Islamic extremism growth at the foot of the US military and that are retaliatory actions on terrorist organizations somehow puts us at fault. The left often blames the American presence in the Middle East or say Donald Trump's rhetoric for the cause of increasing Islamic radical recruitment but what really causes these bombings is centuries old hatred between Shitte and Sunni Muslims and these bombings occur more with more ease to explosives. T
hese people would of been bombing each other if had access to explosives whether in 834 Ad or 1775 well before the formation of the United States. liberals like Sam Sedar, a Jew, shockingly seem to be willing to ignore the evils and agitation for continual conflict by mostly Sunni Muslims. Sunni-dominated ISIS claimed it was targeting Shiite neighborhoods. Karrada and Shaab are predominately Shiite neighborhoods. thus follows impressive gains by the Shitte lead Iraqi government forces in throwing out Sunni extremists in Fallujah and Sam Sedar and the left will have you to believe that we caused instability by overthrowing Saddam Hussein.
This is like blaming the British for destabilizing Germany's government for standing up with Poland in 1939. these people are killing each other and have been killing each other for a millennium but the people sit on valuable oil reserves and the West needs to get involved to ensure shipment of this lifeblood gets on the markets so assholes can keep driving their over-sized trucks and SUVs
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