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The "NO RULES" break-down, finally

I meant to do this a long time ago, didn't, forgot about it, remembered again, didn't care, cared again, and now finally I'm doing it.

Tail end of last year I ran a series of guest posts here called "No Rules", inviting a whole bunch'a writers, bloggers and critics I really liked to stop by, and spout off about whatever they felt like. If I may say so, the whole thing was an unqualified success; not a dud in the bunch.

I want to thank each and every one of the contributors (a thank you that's WAY past due, I know). I was honored to have you.

Here are the links to each of them:

Charlie Stella

Katy O'Dowd

Anthony Neil Smith

Kimmy Dee

Ron Warren

Ray Banks

Charlie Williams

Allan Leverone

Eva Dolan

Thomas Pluck

Luca Veste

Pete Risley

David Cranmer

Benoit Lelievre

Nigel Bird

Troy Lambert

Mike Dennis

Matthew C. Funk

Jennifer Thomson

R. Thomas Brown

Dani Amore

Aaron Philip Clark

Chris Rhatigan

Jason Michel

Vincent Zandri

Looking back on these posts now, I'm still a little amazed at the high level of quality and insight. Once again, thanks to all of you for adding a little class to the joint. Maybe we can do it again sometime.

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