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Business as Unusual

As mentioned last week, I've reentered the corporate world for the time being, leaving the writing / movie watching time even scarcer than usual. Next week is crazy for me there in that world and in the free hours I need some time to regroup, recharge my creative battery, look for more freelance writing work like my Towleroad gig, plan ahead for the fall film season and get through a few articles that are stumping me (yikes... even when I'm on "vacation" I'm not really on "vacation"). So starting tomorrow I'll be one of you, reading along and commenting. Adam, Robert and JA who you already know will be here and Jose, Kieran and RC will also be stopping by.

Hearty hugs, grateful applause and beautiful cross dissolves to the guest bloggers. Please enjoy their posts and keep being your frequently commenting movie-loving selves. I'll be back in a week.

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