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Happy July 1st, Everyone!

Once again it's time for me to post a first-of-the-month photo of my raised beds to show the garden's growth as compared to previous months.  Once again this comparison post will be delayed because today we're having a steady rainfall interspersed with periods of heavy fog.  Getting a good picture isn't going to happen today.

Currently it's raining and blowing so hard that I'm not going to venture out on the deck to check our rain gauge, but peering at it through a window, I'm guessing it has a bit over 1-1/2" which has fallen since the rain started early this morning.  The outside temp is at 63 degrees so it's feeling a little cool and damp . . . even inside, but of course that's what they made zip-up sweatshirts for.

In lieu of my comparison garden post, I'll share something else with you.

Have you seen this little book?  The small print under the title is:  511 suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life.  Some good stuff in here, folks.  The mostly one sentence notations are numbered 1 through 511, and nearly all of them are thought provoking. 

The one I'm currently thinking about is number 107:

Smile a lot.
It costs nothing and is beyond price.

I don't know a single person who doesn't look better when they smile.  Not one.  Often times when I'm smiling about something, my husband says, "You're so pretty when you smile."  (He may or may not have had his glasses on at these times.)

As a young adult attending a family funeral, my mom re-introduced me to two elderly, distant relatives I rarely saw.  One of the ladies said, "Of course I remember you, you've always had that lovely smile."

Hunh.  And here I'd always thought my teeth were too big and stuck out when I smiled.  I'm thinking this person didn't see my teeth but perhaps the effect a smile had on my whole personality.  (Or she may not have had her glasses on either.)

I was at our recycling center a year or so ago when I spotted a man taking items out of his truck.  The lettering on his truck identified him as a very gifted photographer in our area whose work I had admired, but whom I'd never seen in person.

He had the most awful scowl on his face and gave off the sense of being very unhappy.  Maybe he was.  Or maybe he simply didn't realize the unpleasant vibes his facial expression was giving off.  How drastically different he would have looked if he had been smiling.  And how different my impression of him would have been if he'd had a smile on his face!

Even when we're feeling like the last thing we want to do is smile, doing so can literally change our emotions from down-in-the-dumps to something that feels so much better.

I know when I'm thinking (ouch), I tend to frown without even realizing I'm doing so.  I need to have number 107 from Life's Little Instruction Book imprinted on my brain and remember that everyone does look better when they smile.  Plus, you just might have a beneficial effect on others around you!

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