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Mother's Day

“Children are NOT a distraction from more important work. They Are THE MOST important work.” -C.S. Lewis

This is how I have always felt about motherhood.  It's the most important work I'll ever be given.

It's a lovely thing to receive messages of love from your kids on Mother's Day.  It's also lovely when your kids gift you with things that make your heart sing for the beauty of it.

Nate and Kayleigh bought me a beautiful Azalea.  It got a little freeze damage so some of the flowers are pretty wilted but the plant is healthy and fine and I can't wait to see it thrive! Pink and Red flowers!

Sarah gave me a book I've been wanting from Victoria magazine.

Weston and Rachel bought me a hydrangea and a peony for my cottage garden.

Tim bought steak and we marinated them for two days.  He grilled them, and we had them with some chicken, (cooked by Rachel), salad, rolls, sweet potato and regular fries.  Nate and Kay brought apple pies and ice cream for dessert.  

The table was set beautifully, too.

My Bridal Veil spirea is blooming and I plan to use it in centerpieces for the tables at the wedding on Saturday!

I took my Momma and card and a Knock Out Rose on Saturday.

Isn't it lovely?

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