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Turkey Talk. . .

Hello my friends,
A few months ago while scoping out the shelves in a thrift store a cute gobbler caught my eye.
The red lover in me oohed and aawed over all of his red lovliness!
He's even got a lovely back side.
I wasn't sure what I was going to put inside, but quickly decided to roll up some dishcloths that I had picked up at Walmart a while back.
The dishcloths coordinated with the colors in my quilt table topper.  I made it years ago.  It's a 'crazy' quilt made up of scraps.
I bought the turkey dishes last year at Home Goods.  I love how the Pioneer Woman aqua goblets pull out the touches of aqua.  That single shaker was another thrift find.  It was the only one, but I loved it's unique colors.  I planned on using him in a craft project.

I placed a small bowl on top.  The shade is a bit different than the plate, but I felt like it worked because of the topper.

One of my sweet craft friends, Karen gifted me with this reproduction galvanized chicken feeder for my birthday in July.
Another friend, Joyce gave me a bunch of gourds.  I filled the feeder and let a few tumble onto the table.  I added bits of the cornstalk tops here and there.

I bought the S&P shakers at an estate sale.  I have a few sets.  Just can't pass them up!  :)

I added a couple of gourd candles for a bit of ambiance.  I placed the green one in a mini trophy cup, another thrift find.

I recently stained the top of my table white, hoping to give it more of a farmhouse feel.  Not sure I love it.  Thinking maybe I should sand it more.


I haven't pulled out my two Thanksgiving boxes this year.  It's our off year and we'll only have a few for dinner.  I still have fall décor up and I'm thinking 'it'll do'.  But I must admit I am missing all of my turkeys.
Happy November,


I will be sharing with these lovely parties:
Vintage Charm

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