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...Does Whatever A Spider Can

Spider-man, Green Goblin, Electro, Vulture, Lizard, Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Rhino, Scorpion, Mysterio

Well, today's mega-post is inspired by the awesome Spider-man cartoon of the 60's. As a kid, I adored watching Spidey's adventures as I wolfed down my lunch every day. I'd run outside humming the theme song and shoot my sister with my imaginary web-shooters.

I can even remember going to the outdoor pool downtown, hanging onto the ledge in the water where I would practice sticking to the wall.

I don't know who your favorite villain was in the cartoon, but I always liked how they did Mysterio. He was just so... mysterious. He had a creepy voice and he just looked strangely cool.

Now that I look at it, Spidey's enemies sure seem to like green and purple, don't they?

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