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Fish Cult Today: Session 1

The Party:
Magic Meryl, Magic User (Nick Kuntz)
Arthur (NPC Terrier)
Pitwin Spryneedle (NPC Gnome)
Brax The Savage, Barbarian (Brad Black)

Barnabus Sleet, Muscle Wizard (Maxime Golubchik)
Emma Bright-Eyes, Muscle Witch (NPC henchwoman)
Sharene, Elf Muscle Wizard (NPC henchwoman)
Dale Bidwell, Fighter/Valet (NPC henchman)
Brutal Pete, Dwarf (Aleksandr Revzin)

The Child Labor:
Chauncy Sadshadow (NPC torch bearer)

Clarence Dungleavy (NPC torch bearer)

Barnabus Sleet had been messing around in town getting into trouble with his entourage. It started with some amateur obstetrics and ended in a side alley. Luckily, Brax the Savage, Brutal Pete, and Magic Meryl showed up before Barnabus and crew left the adventuring life to open up a clinic.

They all decided to head into dungeon with their fish child thing in a sack.
Once in the dungeon they fought a flying dagger. They then captured the flying dagger tied it to some rocks and put it in a different sack. Luckily Brax is good with rocks (or something?). So far their treasure consisted of an evil fish baby and an evil flying dagger.

Then they found some jewelry.

Then they were ambushed by fully-grown fish men in diapers. Everyone acquitted themselves well (except for Arthur who was chewing on dead people) and the fish men retreated leaving a trail of nasty fish blood.

Arthur was willing to follow the nasty fish blood. The party travelled down some stairs into a room with a prominent piece of sculpture. A 6 by 6 foot wide stature of a fish rising out of the waves with an open mouth and rising out of that open mouth was a nude female figure. The piece was black marble and several tons. The party decided that they must possess it.

So, they left for the day to memorize different spells.

The next day they returned with some ridiculous spells I have never heard of. They hurried back to the room of the statue where they were confronted by a six diaper fish led by a diaper fish cleric. The diaper fish cast their spears, the diaper cleric cast silence on Magic Meryl. The party fought hard and crushed the diaper fish. Barnabus was paralyzed. Then the fish baby fought its way out of the sack and bit him for 4 points of damage. It was all over though not even the fish baby’s cowardly sneak attack could stop the party. They spiked the door and spent the rest of the day removing the statue with magic, elbow grease, and a series of ropes and pulleys.

They managed to get the statue just outside the entrance to the dungeon where they made camp. It remains to be seen how the fish men and their cult will react to having a valuable statue stolen.

Maps Provided byBrutal Pete:

Floor 1

Floor 2

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